Even though preliminary dental check-ups can give you fair warning, the sharp pain associated with an infected tooth can still catch you off guard. When that happens, our emergency endodontists in Parramatta are here to come to the rescue for the sake of your comfort. Clear Dental is fully equipped and experienced in diagnosing and tackling root canal issues. In our Parramatta office, you can receive professional treatment in a friendly environment near your home. Our clinic is located in the heart of the suburb and is easy to reach from the surrounding areas in NSW. Professional teeth canal treatment in Parramatta You don’t have a root canal unless the pulp infection is bad and is likely to worsen. If your situation takes you there, you need a team of endodontists to take care of the procedure. Timely treatment will preserve your natural pearly whites and reduce the need for invasive solutions. There’s no better place to undergo complex surgeries or receive preventive root dental care in Parramatta than Clear Dental: Pain-free pulp and nerve removal Thorough root cleaning and sealing Treatment of hidden fractures in hard-to-access canals Same-day root canal surgeries in Parramatta Post-surgical medication and care recommendations The extensive knowledge of our endodontists allows us to deal with minor and complex root issues in patients of all ages. You’ll be guided through root canal removal costs in Parramatta in response to your enquiry. Flexible payment plans and insurance programmes are accepted. When is it time to book your appointment? Root canal inflammation doesn’t sneak up unexpectedly. The affected part of the tooth often gives you fair warning with sensations that help you determine something is wrong. You should call our endodontic team when one or several symptoms show up: Persistent toothache Foods and drinks that trigger pain or discomfort Your teeth have become more sensitive to hot and cold temperatures The gums around the infected tooth feel tender and swollen Discolouration, a lingering bad taste or odour Don’t wait to get your teeth checked before things get worse. If pulp infection is diagnosed at early stages, you will be advised to have a surgical procedure to save the tooth and avoid higher root treatment costs in Parramatta later in life. Comprehensive care for your teeth See a Clear Dental endodontist and experience the swiftest treatment for an infected nerve, no matter how challenging your case is. The team of our QIP-accredited dental practice can remove bacteria, clean out the canal and restore a tooth’s strength during an emergency visit or pre-scheduled appointment. Even if you aren’t sure the problem is rooted in a tooth canal, our experts in endodontics in Parramatta can perform check-ups for a precise diagnosis and prompt treatment. We can conduct a full examination using manual tools and advanced X-rays. If the nerve is not an issue, you’ll be referred to other dental specialists within our clinic to start a treatment that’s better for you.