Gum Disease Dentist Regular visits to a dentist will make sure your teeth are professionally cleaned and scaled, which will help avoid gum disease. Gum disease is an inflammation of a tissue that can affect anyone. It can be caused by many things, including plaque bacteria, acids, foods, incorrect teeth cleaning and gum care. Visiting the Sydney gum care centre every six months for professional cleaning and scaling is one of the best preventative measures you can take against this disease. In this way, you will have your gums and supporting bones protected before the worst happens. Our well-qualified dentists are capable of minimising the risk of inflammation through two common methods – root planing and dental scaling. Root planing carried out by our gum disease dentists is a comprehensive scaling of the root surface to reduce the tissue inflammation. The doctor will access those areas of your gums that your toothbrush can’t reach. After this, the professional will scrape plaque from teeth using a special tool to smooth out any rough target areas. Root planing allows for getting deeper into the surface of a tooth root. Dental scaling can be done with either manual or ultrasonic instruments. Your gum doctor will use these tools to eliminate plaque bacteria with sonic vibrations. The scaling device will remove tartar (calcified deposit), biofilm, and plaque from the surface of your teeth and below the gum line. What to Expect from Your Sydney Gum Care Center Visit? If you have sensitive teeth, scaling and planing may be uncomfortable. In this case, a doctor can administer the local anaesthetic to numb the area while the procedure is performed. Depending on the level of required work, full dental scaling and root planing can take up to four visits to our centre, where you will get treated by the best gum doctors in Sydney. Our team is always ready to advise the dental gum treatment cost if needed.